...with a freshly brewed coffee in hand on this pretty Saturday morning.. i sit here with slight schoolgirl excitement as i begin documenting aka "blogging" about the present chapter in my life-- I am eager for you to hear the voice of a mother, a wife and a creative soul--In hope that I can perhaps reach you on some level so that you may look at your day today a little differently because of what you read here :)
I suppose I should start off by introducing myself.. My name is Bridget.. Ive always been a free-spirited, emotional, sometimes impulsive yet super organised, sensitive, thoughtful, dramatic, somewhat spiritual, a little crazy, smiley, slightly self conscious, relatively outgoing, poetic and romantic, creative to the core -and a wear-your-heart-on-your-sleeve kind of girl. People either love me..or .. well they choose to keep their distance (lol).
It was about 5 years ago (after i had done the whole "I'm a teenager, I'm going to rebel" thing) that i met the love of my life, two years ago (this November) I married him ..and just this April past, I gave birth to the baby I had forever hoped, prayed and wished for-- my little Indi Winter.
I suppose for me, this blog is like a bit of an outlet.. something i can have just for my very own (and now that I'm a mummy, aside from taking a shower-- its about all i have that's not shared :)
After 9 long, amazing, emotional and tiring months we finally became parents to our beautiful tot. Motherhood is just so amazing, its so fulfilling, scary at times, rewarding and the hardest job you'll ever do-- but so worth it to see your child thrive and learn each day- knowing that "hey! I taught you that!".
After the first few weeks with Indi, the days began to roll into one. They went a little something like this-
Up, feed, change nappy, settle, (squeeze in a quick shower), feed, change nappy, settle...... and so on (is any other mamas out there feeling me?)
Now, I know that sounds very typical of what the first weeks are supposed to be like in early motherhood-- but it wasn't until one day i realised i had not left the living room almost the entire day that i thought-- OK Bridget, you've got this mother thing pretty well down pat- its time for you to find a hobby!
In fear of becoming a crazy hermit lady who occasionally bathed, lived in her pyjamas, could change a nappy with her eyes closed and spent most of her time sitting on the couch with one breast out .. i started to think of what ELSE i could do when Indi was off in the land of nod.
and so the pondering began......
"what is something little I can do for me each day?".. I began to think back to the things I used to enjoy doing the most.
Singing.. Strumming my guitar.. writing.. art.. craft...craft...CRAFT! that's it! - sounds awfully "better homes and gardens" of me, but back when i used to nanny I used to really enjoy doing craft with with kids and making all sorts of funny little things.. like peg people .. and egg carton castles and pipe cleaner jewelery! But of coarse these things no longer had a purpose --Indi's much too teeny to do these kind of activities yet (however she is exceptionally good at giggling, cooing and sucking her fingers! *says the proud mother)
hmm..So.. trying to incorporate a hobby into everyday mummyhood was appearing to be a bit tricky-- until *ding! a light bulb moment!
I could start making bits and bobs for my miss muffet! Things that she could wear!
So off I trotted to spotlight - basket in one hand and coffee in the other ( my readers will soon learn I am rarely without a latte in hand when there is an important task to be done).
Browsing the isles proved to be slightly overwhelming as i searched for a medium to create with.. cotton and ribbons and buttons- oh my!
But just as i was about to get myself into a frustrated textile tizzy- I stumbled upon the "felt" section- and right there in the isle I began to mentally create my first design!
So this is where I am up to now- In my (rare) spare moments I have been sketching, designing, cutting and hand sewing my tiny (original) felt features onto baby garments.
After much thought and a few rhyming games with my husband in the car today -- I have come up with the name of my label .
I am proud to announce the beginning (and these are my baby steps) of my children's label
All of the felt embellishments and motifs are original designs and hand sewn with love..
As i come to the end of my very first blog --
i want to end it with a question .. to you. "when is the last time you did something JUST FOR YOU?"..
I challenge you to revisit a little dream, a passion that's lost its once brightly flickering flame, no matter how small or insignificant it is among the "big wide world of being a serious adult"... just do it ...
You never know-- it might just be the thing that saves you from being too "grown up" and boring!
What are the things you miss most about just being you?
Bridget x
How wonderful to read this! Although all my darling girls are grown I used to create little outfits for them (in any spare time as Bridgey says lol) mums often get so tied up with all the things that need to be done that we often forget about OUR time and what hobbies or outlets we give or create for ourselves. This is a wonderful blog that is so inspiring to all mums out there! I cant wait for the next update, simply awesome xx