Tuesday, 26 July 2011

switch off!

Since becoming a mother, it seems as though Ive taken multitasking to a whole new level. And being a woman, it comes naturally.. but when does it become too much? Is there a limit to how many tasks should be all done at the one time? I discovered that yes, there is a limit. A short note to self before I begin- do not try and multi task while in the bath- you will lose. I sadly discovered this the other night while texting, reading and trying to open a chocolate bar while soaking in a bubble bath- I was so determined to complete all tasks at the same time that---- plop. chocolate fell in the bath..i was devastated to say the least- yes I tried to rescue it. no, it didn't taste good.

And so .. here is a little lesson i learnt for the week...

Yesterday afternoon I was in the middle of settling miss muffet, eating a muesli bar (which is often considered my "lunch" these days), sketching whilst busily typing away, updating my Facebook, checking my etse store, writing an email and replying to a text suddenly.. the power went off!!! And I shrieked with horror and objection as if someone had just flashed me in public !! As I frantically tried to fiddle with power points, unplugging this and plugging that.. I turned to realize that.. The television was on... As was the digital clock.. - now to get a picture of our house, we have a long narrow(ish) living room-- of which down one side there are were two lamps, speakers, baby monitor and the PowerPoint my laptop was plugged in to!! On the other side was the TV, clock and other (useless to me) things.. I sat there , puzzled and trying to figure out what the heck was going wrong... I went to update my Facebook status to tell the whole world of this dilemma ( don't u find moments like these are best shared on Facebook lol) when DAMN that's right the laptop is off!!!
I sighed .. and i sat... and sighed some more.. And suddenly i realized-- yup, the universe is trying to tell me something... Slowwwww dowwwwwn!!! And right as I was about to grab my phone to jump online.. Instead, I caught sight of the book that I had once brought in great hope that it would bring me solitude and relaxation (eat.pray.love) .. and now there it was in the bottom of the shelf untouched, unread and forgotten. Yes, the once white and brightly colored cover was now covered in a thick layer of dust. And as I blew the dust off it, I felt as if "reading" had become an ancient past time for me.. Something I had not done in so long..
I opened the book and began reading.. at first struggling to focus and switch off.. but a few sentences in and i was hooked. The next hour i was consumed in the pages and the most relaxed I've been in ages.. (clearly Missy was asleep at this point!) .. I had not only survived a whole hour without my laptop, I had turned the TV off and my phone was not glued to my hand as per usual.. And , boy was the silence bliss-- no checking or updating or sending or "liking" ,.. Just me and a long overdue date with my book.
After that hour of bliss, I felt refreshed... 
As for the power..for fear of being eaten by the giant huntsman spider who has rather rudely made a home in our power box, i decided to wait until dear husband got home to fix it... And for the entire afternoon. I stopped. Even when baby woke, we played and i was able to fully focus on just playing and being a mummy... Now , that's not to say I'm not turning the laptop on ever again-- what would everyone on Facebook think if I was gone!! (lol) but I'm going to make a little pact with myself that every now and then, even just once or twice a week.. I've going to have a date with peace and quiet.. Sit and have nothing to do with technology for an hour or so.. it did me the world of good.. I challenge you this week , to stop texting, chatting, emailing , updating and yes (shock horror) facebooking!! And just enjoy doing something simple!! It might just be having a quiet cup tea (or glass of wine!) .. Playing with your child and hearing their laugh without any busy background noise.. Or maybe .. Reading a
Book. Not an e book-- an actual real one with pages!! And no,
bed doesn't count as your time away from technology .. Don't cheat yourself.
Just stop for even half an hour a week to start with and you will feel a little lighter. I promise.

Until next time .. Bridget x

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